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Marshall McLuhan


Marshall McLuhan

The term "the medium is the message" was developed by Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian communication theorist. In other words, Marshall McLuhan is suggesting that true meaning lies within what form of communication the message is transferred through, rather than the actual message itself. In a sense, I agree with his message.

With modern-day technology floating around everywhere, it's possible for people to get lost in all its glory and information. However, the form of media that the information is represented from has a massive effect on viewership and targeted audiences. If a shoe commercial is shown in a sponsored YouTube video, viewers of that YouTube channel are more inclined to watch it than if it had been shown on TV. Not only will individuals be more willing to watch it on their favorite YouTube channel, but targeted audiences will have been reached. It could be argued that YouTube and other modern-day social platforms are more associated with younger people than television is. Companies will pursue the younger generation as they're more committed to the newest lifestyle trends and marketplace. According to an online website, U.S. citizens aged 35, and higher have spent less money on footwear than any age below that (Statista, 2020).

Furthermore, the same message can have several meanings depending on the mode of communication. For example, the word "run" in a Nike advertisement video will have a different meaning than the same word used in a book.

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